Capital: Funafuti
Time zone: GMT + 12
Telephone services: Country Code: 688.
Outgoing Code: Calls must be made through the international operator.
Emergency telephone numbers: Not present.
Tourist information: Ministry of Commerce and Natural Resources, Vaiaku, Funafuti, Tuvalu Tel/Fax: 20182.
Passport information: Valid passport required by all. Return Ticket Required. Regulations may be subject to change at short notice. Contact the Embassy before departure.
Visa information: Visa not required by nationals of: Great Britain, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK provided they have sufficient proof of onward travel and funds to finance stays of up to 1 month. Nationals of: Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Botswana, Cyprus, Dominica, Fiji, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, Iceland, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Mauritius, Nauru, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, St Lucia, St Vincent & the Grenadines, San Marino, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Switzerland, Tanzania, Tonga, Trinidad & Tobago; Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Western Samoa, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Health information: Polio, Typhoid: Vaccination recommended.
Food & drink: Water is considered drinkable, normal precautions should be observed with food.
Currency: Australian Dollar is used for transactions over one dollar but Tuvaluan (Dollar) Currency may also be used
Credit cards are not accepted although MasterCard is accepted by the national bank. Travellers cheques in Australian dollars can be cashed at the national bank only.
ATM availability: Unavailable.
Cost of living: There is only one main hotel which offers moderate facilities, whilst other guest houses offer basic accommodation. All are inexpensive. Commodities are scarce due an undeveloped tourist industry.
Languages: Tuvaluan and English are the main languages.
Weather: Hot and Humid with little variation throughout the year. Mar to Oct tends to be slightly cooler and therefore more pleasant. Nov – Feb is the wet season when the climate may be uncomfortable.
Electricity: 110 volts AC.
Post: Up to 10 days, but the service can be erratic.
Transport: SEA: The islands are served by passenger and cargo-vessels. ROAD: Mainly dirt tracks TAXIS: Limited. BIKES: Push and motor bikes can be hired hotels.
Special information: Men must wear shirts in public places. Sunday is regarded as a sacred day and should be respected along with local customs.