Capital: Tehran
Time zone: GMT + 3.5 (GMT + 4.5 during the summer)
Telephone services: Country Code: 98
Outgoing Code: 00
Emergency telephone numbers: Not present.
Tourist information: Refer to Consulate.
Passport information: Valid passport required by all. Return Ticket required. Requirements may be subject to short-term change. Contact the relevant authority before departure.
Visa information: Required by all except: Nationals of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Saudi Arabia and Turkey for stays not exceeding 3 months.
Health information: Polio, Typhoid: Vaccination recommended
Malaria: Exists in the vivax variety in certain provinces. Resistance to chloroquine has been reported in the falciparum variety.
Other Health Risks: Cutaneous leishmaniasis, Tick-borne relapsing fever and Bilharzia.
Food & drink: Water is untreated and not safe to drink.
Currency: Iranian Rial (RL) = 100 Dinars.
Foreign visitors must convert the equivalent of US$ 300 into Iranian Rials. Declare all currency on arrival.
Credit cards and travellers cheques are not accepted.
ATM availability: Unavailable.
Cost of living: Commodities are quite limited outside the main city of Tehran. The economy is in a state of transition following the war with Iraq and the US embargo on Iranian oil.
Languages: Persian (Farsi). Arabic in Khuzestan and Turkish in the Northwest. English, French and German are often spoken by businessmen and officials.
Weather: Summers are hot and dry and winters are harsh.
Electricity: 1220 volts AC, 50 Hz.
Post: At least 2 weeks to Western Europe.
Transport: ROAD: There is an extensive road network but the quality is unreliable. BUS: Cheap and comfortable although may be erratic. TAXIS: Available in all cities. CAR HIRE: Available in all cities and airports. DOCUMENTATION: IDP and personal insurance is required. All motorists must possess a carnet de passage or pay a large deposit.
Special information: Because of the situation of global and regional insecurity at present, travellers should exercise extreme caution and make only necessary journeys to Iran. If you intend to travel depite this advice you should be aware that travellers should always be vigilant and ensure that their papers are in order. After recent disturbances in Tehran particular care may be needed and crowds should be avoided. Western influences are discouraged. There has been an increase in the numbers of robberies by men posing as taxi drivers. Vistors should order taxis from reputable firms. There has also been a spate of bag snatching by young men on motorcycles. Particular care should be taken not to offend against the Islamic religion. Women should behave modestly and dress conservatively. PHOTOGRAPHY: Restrict photography to tourist areas as military installations are sometimes difficult to identify and photgraphing them is strictly prohibited.